The Keys to Success – Step 4

As I was updating the blog, I came across this post series from 2008 that was never completed. Today, I pick up where I left off all those years ago. (Better late than never, right?!) Here are the links to Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3.

Most of us know the power of positive thinking, but few of us practice it with any consistency. And if you were to ask a room full of people how often they meditate on their goals and desires, some of them would have no idea what meditation is and others of them spend far more time worrying about how to meditate and whether they are doing it correctly, than they actually spend meditating on the very goals and desires they say are so important to them.

So I want to approach this from a different vantage point, from the perspective of worrying. All of us, even though we were never formally taught, know how to worry. As children, we saw adults model this behavior for us over and over again. Later, when a deadline for a school assignment, project, or test approached that we felt unprepared for, we quickly learned to put worry into practice for ourselves. And the thing about practice, it helps us to perfect whatever it is we are practicing, including worry.

Some of us worry so much that we place our system in an almost constant state of “fight or flight.” Our bodies were not meant to carry prolonged, intense, negative emotions. If we don’t take steps to alleviate intense stress and worry, that nearly constant demand on our adrenal glands could eventually become adrenal fatigue. But I’ll save that topic for another day, today I want you to learn to worry differently.


If I tell you to worry, you don’t have the same questions that come to mind as you do when you are told to meditate. Worry is something some of us have been doing so often, for so long that we almost think of it as an inborn trait.

The difference is I want you to worry positively. If you have been constantly worried about money, in the negative direction, flip it. Instead of thinking, “How am I ever going to get enough money to…” change it to, “How was I able to double my income?

Some other good positive worry questions are:

  • “Why do my clothes fit so well now?”
  • “How did I finish that project so quickly?”
  • “Why do I have so much energy?”
  • “Why do I feel so chipper this morning?”
  • “Why am I always in such a good mood?”

To create your own series of questions think about your desired outcome for a particular situation. If your desired results were to happen quickly — quicker than you have ever experienced or anticipated — and in an unexpected way, what questions would you be asking yourself in that moment? Now worry (positively) by repeating those questions quietly to yourself, over and over again.

The beauty of this is by thinking the past tense version of your question, you give your conscious mind the presumed notion that your income has already doubled. And when you persist in this form of thinking, or think of it right before you drift off to sleep, you issue a challenge to your subconscious mind. Keep a notepad and a pen, or something else to record your thoughts, on your nightstand. When you ask a question to your subconscious mind, it always answers. Usually, it will be the first thought or series of thoughts you have when you wake up.

You should record these powerful directives that come from you to you. Just make sure your mind doesn’t wander as you are drifting off to sleep. If you spent all day worrying (positively) about how your 401K is performing so well but then think about your upset stomach just as you are drifting off to sleep, you are not going to get the answer you are looking for. However, you may find out which offending food you should avoid in the future. 🙂


Seems too simple, right? Who told you life, success, good fortune had to be hard? Based on what? Just because someone else did it that way does not mean you have to do it that way. The situations and circumstances of life come, but struggle, strife, and difficulty depend on you.

The only challenge that confronts you is your ability to keep your heart’s desire in front of you at all times, yet out of your mouth when talking to those in your life. Naysayers will kill your dreams faster than anything else. And depending on who the naysayers are to you, whether the relationship or their expertise makes their opinion matter more to you, their opinions — if you allow it — will alter not only what you achieve in life, but also what you believe is possible for you to achieve in life. And unless that person is wildly successful in their own right, he or she will most often steer your dreams in a negative direction. So wait for the manifestation of your goals and dreams, then you can celebrate your success with others. But until then, keep it to yourself.

Finally, use good judgement when it comes to telling others how you achieved your goals and dreams. It sometimes amazes me the number of people who will marvel at your accomplishments while still insisting that your way of accomplishing them doesn’t work. These are people you are better off sharing the “what” with — after the fact — and never the “how.” Let those dream killers kill someone else’s dreams, not yours.

Now what are you going to worry (positively) about?

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